Sunday, January 13, 2019

Primary PD Task 5

Materials Needed
1.     Grammar Item cards (In this case verb forms)
2.    Timer
3.    1 monitor (2-3 players) per team
4.    Right or Wrong score sheets

(The round can start via dice-throwing, guess a number, rock-paper-scissors, whatever means you want to select the first speaker.)
Step 1: The monitor pulls out a recycled grammar item card and reads the question to the group.
Write a sentence, using the verb ‘to write’ in the simple present.
Step 2:  The speaker must say a sentence which matches the grammar item card. (The monitor cannot show the player the grammar item card, but they can repeat the grammar item as many times as needed. And if needed, players can use paper to write down their answers. However, there is a 2-point advantage to being able to correctly use the grammar item orally.
Step 3: The other players on must either say Right or Wrong, depending on if the speaker’s creation is either right or wrong.  If they say wrong, they must be able to pick out the speaker’s error and correct it. If not, the other player, can continue to build-upon the other player’s response even if they have answered differently.
Speaker: Mary was running.
Player 1 – Right
Player 2 – Wrong. She should have said Mary is running. (This is the simple present in the progressive-continuous, not the simple present.)
Player 1 – Wrong. She should have said Mary runs.
In the above case, Player 1 would receive the point.  They listened to everybody, changed their answer and gave the right answer.
Step 4: Awarding Points.
Monitors will give a point to the player who gets the correct answer. If neither player is correct, but the speaker has answered the grammar item correctly without writing it down, then the speaker is awarded 2 points, and if the speaker has written it down, they are awarded 1 point.
Step 5: After each grammar item, the monitor changes their position with one of the players. Example: Player A, moves to player B position, B to monitor… etc.
Right or Wrong Score Sheet
Players Names
Final Scores

The benefit of this listening, speaking and grammar game is that it helps student strengthen their ability to orally rotate grammar items. This ability strengthens all four domains.

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